Provincial Grand Secretary - Ian Wright

I was delighted to take on the office of Provincial Grand Secretary for the Southern Counties of England in June this year. The secretary is a very Important and involved office and as a member of the executive you can influence the organisation and keep it running smoothly.
For those who do not know me well, I have a very strong Masonic family tradition, both of my parents were freemasons, and both were also involved in the Progressive Orders as I like to call them. I have masonic ancestry in Australia.

I was initiated into Freemasonry at the tender age of 21yrs in Sunderland which is in the Craft Province of Durham. University and Professional life were centred around Oxfordshire and now most of my masonic activities are in Oxfordshire or London. I am not only in many orders, but I tend to take an active role in all of them.

The Royal Order of Scotland is of particular interest to me not only because I have Scottish ancestry but because of the way that it blends other orders and ritual. It is a particularly interesting order. I would urge all freemasons who are remotely inquisitive to look this order up and consider perusing it. I look forward to processing your membership applications!

Previous Provincial Grand Secretary

Bro John S L Machray, Provincial Senior Grand Warden (Hertfordshire) is the Provincial Grand Secretary having been first appointed on 16th June 2018. John was born and raised in Johnstone, Scotland. On leaving school he undertook an Engineering Apprenticeship with Thomas Read & Sons, Marine Engineers, of Paisley.

John was initiated, passed and raised in Mirrins’ Lodge, No 129 in Scotland. He then expanded his masonic knowledge by joining the Mark Degree, Royal Ark Mariners, Royal & Select Masters and Red Cross of Constantine. Work commitments meant John and his family left Scotland in 1983 to settle in Southern England. He initially worked for Nescafe before becoming an Environmental Manager for the National Health Service in Buckinghamshire, retiring in 2016. John has further expanded his masonic career in England by joining the Knights Templar and Ancient & Accepted Rite.

Please remember to inform the Provincial Grand Secretary if you: change your telephone number, mobile number, email address or home address. Additionally, should you receive honours in another Province do not forget to inform him.

The Royal Order of Scotland is an unincorporated body with its headquarters at 23 St John Street, Edinburgh.
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