As this year draws to a close let us all hope and pray that the New Year brings Peace and Goodwill to all men. The Tyler’s’ Toast, slightly amended, expresses our thoughts and wishes so perfectly:- 

To all the poor and distressed
Wherever they may be
Scattered over the face of Earth and Water
Wishing them a speedy relief to all their sufferings
And a safe return to their Native land should they so desire

As we approach Christmas, which is very special to us as Christians and as Freemasons, let us quietly reflect upon those who have passed to a higher service. Their words and actions live on with us in our hearts as they continue to inspire us.

 I am deeply indebted for all the support and assistance that you have given to The Order, the Province and to me personally over the last 12 months. It is so greatly appreciated. I hope the New Year brings good health and happiness to you, your family and loved ones. May you all enjoy the festive season and that your hopes and wishes come true.

I look forward to your company and friendship for many years to come. With every kind wish and

Sincerely & fraternally,


Roy Leavers

Provincial Grand Master

The Royal Order of Scotland is an unincorporated body with its headquarters at 23 St John Street, Edinburgh.
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